Everyone who has an EU passport—or has lived in The Netherlands legally and continuously for five consecutive years—has the right to vote in The Hague’s municipal elections. To receive a voter pass (stempas) for the election on the 16th of March 2022, eligible voters must be registered as a resident in the city by the 31st of January 2022.

“Not all inhabitants of The Hague who come from abroad are aware of their right to vote. That’s a pity”, says GroenLinks The Hague party leader Mariëlle Vavier. “There’s a lot to vote for. The future of our city starts in the voting booth. Four years ago, the people of The Hague chose a greener and more progressive course. We are proud of our accomplishments, but our work for the city is far from finished. That’s why we call on all residents of The Hague to once again vote wholeheartedly for a green, equal and promising city on March 16th, 2022.”

Residents can use this interactive tool to quickly check their voting eligibility.

“Many of my international contacts and friends living in The Hague who share the same values as GroenLinks, don’t realize that they’re allowed to vote in March and make an impact at city level”, says Niels Brinks, co-chair of the GroenLinks The Hague international commission and candidate #18 for the party. “This is exactly why we’ve decided to reach out to our international residents with the voter eligibility tool, a social media campaign and several events. If you’ve moved to the Netherlands from abroad, make sure you’re registered with your municipality by January 31st, and keep an eye on your mailbox for your stempas. You don’t want to miss out on your opportunity to vote!”

The GroenLinks campaign teams of the cities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht, Maastricht, Eindhoven, Groningen and Nijmegen have joined this effort to reach out to the international residents in their city.

More information on registration provided by the City of The Hague can be found here.